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Boris ahilarna tendinopatija
Pridružen/-a: 31.10. 2013, 17:27 Prispevkov: 4
Objavljeno: 31 Okt 2013 18:53 Naslov sporočila: Nizkokalorična |
Zanima me, ali se kdo od vas ukvarja z bilokakšno nizkokalorično dieto za športnike, ki bi jo le ta lahko izvajal celo življenje in ob tem normalno (oziroma boljše) funkcioniral.
Povzetek tega, kar stran razlaga: z ustrezno dihalno tehniko, zdravim načinom gibanja, utrjevanjem organizma in ustrezno prehrano naj bi telesu omogočili normalno funkcioniranje na zelo nizko kalorični hrani. Pri maratoncih naj bi bil dnevni vnos kalorij 1200 namesto 6000.
Nimam izkušenj s tem in ne morem trditi, da v tem primeru ne gre za potegavščino, zdi se mi pa verjetno, če upoštevam naslednje:
- povprečno človek veliko energije porabi za prebavo
- določena živila, pripravljena na določen način, so lažje prebavljiva, za prebavo se porabi manj energije
- iz določene hrane, zaužite na ustrezen način, se lahko absorbira več hranil iz prebavil v kri
Izvleček iz zgoraj navedene strani:
Citiram: |
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day.
But the control and the main group of runners were fed according to the norms of the energy established by Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR . They consumed 190 grams of protein, the same amount of fat, 1300 grams of carbohydrates, which amounted to 6000 calories a day. Cooking recipes were made according to calorie theory of a balanced diet. Tables laden with food from the delicatessen, meat cuts, sausages, ham, cheese and butter, splints, roast beef or chops with ample side dish, soups, puddings and the like, the most common foods. On the trail they received extra food - oatmeal jelly and crackers. The participants of the experiment were under the vigilant control of the commission, both during the run, and during the meal. Runners of the experimental and control groups o the marathon were weighed regularly. Long columns of numbers filled minutes of the commission. The results exceeded the expectations. Records of the Commission testified that less physically trained athletes of the experimental group were more enduring and did not lose weight as opposed to a control group of athletes that were engaged in the same physical activities and sports indices figures of running, but consuming five times more high-calorie food! Weight of the runners of this group was less stable during the run as well as at its end.
And a remarkable thing. Marathon ended late in the evening and the next morning, all participants of the experimental group were at their usual workplace. |
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Boris ahilarna tendinopatija
Pridružen/-a: 31.10. 2013, 17:27 Prispevkov: 4
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Boris ahilarna tendinopatija
Pridružen/-a: 31.10. 2013, 17:27 Prispevkov: 4
Objavljeno: 31 Okt 2013 21:08 Naslov sporočila: |
Citiram: |
Nimam izkušenj s tem in ne morem trditi, da v tem primeru ne gre za potegavščino, zdi se mi pa verjetno, če upoštevam naslednje:
- povprečno človek veliko energije porabi za prebavo
- določena živila, pripravljena na določen način, so lažje prebavljiva, za prebavo se porabi manj energije
- iz določene hrane, zaužite na ustrezen način, se lahko absorbira več hranil iz prebavil v kri |
Pri tem bi moral upoštevati še kaj drugega, da bi se izšlo, ampak bistvo je v tem, da skušam nakazati smer, kako bi bilo kaj takega mogoče. |
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Boris ahilarna tendinopatija
Pridružen/-a: 31.10. 2013, 17:27 Prispevkov: 4
Objavljeno: 31 Okt 2013 23:25 Naslov sporočila: |
Po daljšem premisleku... na fakulteti za šport se s tako ekstremno dieto verjetno nihče ne ukvarja. Pri njej bi morali namreč raziskovati zmožnost človeškega organizma predelati dušik v beljakovino ali pa kaj podobnega.
Ampak vseeno, zanima me, do katere minimalne potrebne količine vnosa kalorij za normalno funkcioniranje ste prišli ob določenih dietah. |
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SarahClark šprinter
Pridružen/-a: 24.11. 2021, 19:16 Prispevkov: 100 Kraj: Slovenia
Objavljeno: 17 Mar 2022 15:55 Naslov sporočila: |
JAz sem pripotoval v z erazmusom v slovenijo in iščem najbojlšo trgovino za nakup prehrambenih izdelkov. |
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SarahClark šprinter
Pridružen/-a: 24.11. 2021, 19:16 Prispevkov: 100 Kraj: Slovenia
Objavljeno: 21 Mar 2022 12:05 Naslov sporočila: |
SarahClark je napisal/a: |
JAz sem pripotoval v z erazmusom v slovenijo in iščem najbojlšo trgovino za nakup prehrambenih izdelkov. |
Izvleček iz zgoraj navedene strani:
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day. |
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aceofs rekreativec
Pridružen/-a: 15.12. 2022, 12:42 Prispevkov: 36
Objavljeno: 15 Dec 2022 12:48 Naslov sporočila: Re: Nizkokalorična |
Boris je napisal/a: |
Zanima me, ali se kdo od vas ukvarja z bilokakšno nizkokalorično dieto za športnike, ki bi jo le ta lahko izvajal celo življenje in ob tem normalno (oziroma boljše) funkcioniral.
Povzetek tega, kar stran razlaga: z ustrezno dihalno tehniko, zdravim načinom gibanja, utrjevanjem organizma in ustrezno prehrano naj bi telesu omogočili normalno funkcioniranje na zelo nizko kalorični hrani. Pri maratoncih naj bi bil dnevni vnos kalorij 1200 namesto 6000.
Nimam izkušenj s skupinska vadba in ne morem trditi, da v tem primeru ne gre za potegavščino, zdi se mi pa verjetno, če upoštevam naslednje:
- povprečno človek veliko energije porabi za prebavo
- določena živila, pripravljena na določen način, so lažje prebavljiva, za prebavo se porabi manj energije
- iz določene hrane, zaužite na ustrezen način, se lahko absorbira več hranil iz prebavil v kri
Izvleček iz zgoraj navedene strani:
Citiram: |
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day.
But the control and the main group of runners were fed according to the norms of the energy established by Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR . They consumed 190 grams of protein, the same amount of fat, 1300 grams of carbohydrates, which amounted to 6000 calories a day. Cooking recipes were made according to calorie theory of a balanced diet. Tables laden with food from the delicatessen, meat cuts, sausages, ham, cheese and butter, splints, roast beef or chops with ample side dish, soups, puddings and the like, the most common foods. On the trail they received extra food - oatmeal jelly and crackers. The participants of the experiment were under the vigilant control of the commission, both during the run, and during the meal. Runners of the experimental and control groups o the marathon were weighed regularly. Long columns of numbers filled minutes of the commission. The results exceeded the expectations. Records of the Commission testified that less physically trained athletes of the experimental group were more enduring and did not lose weight as opposed to a control group of athletes that were engaged in the same physical activities and sports indices figures of running, but consuming five times more high-calorie food! Weight ta of the runners of this group was less stable during the run as well as at its end.
And a remarkable thing. Marathon ended late in the evening and the next morning, all participants of the experimental group were at their usual workplace. |
jaz bi se raje obrnil na nekoga ki ima izkusnje sam, lahko tule preberes https://motiviran.si/prehrana-aktivnih-sportna-zmogljivost/ potem pa najbolje da mogoce poklices kaksen fitnes tam je kar veliko predobrih |
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SarahClark šprinter
Pridružen/-a: 24.11. 2021, 19:16 Prispevkov: 100 Kraj: Slovenia
Objavljeno: 19 Jan 2023 07:06 Naslov sporočila: Re: Nizkokalorična |
Boris je napisal/a: |
Zanima me, ali se kdo od vas ukvarja z bilokakšno nizkokalorično dieto za športnike, ki bi jo le ta lahko izvajal celo življenje in ob tem normalno (oziroma boljše) funkcioniral.
Povzetek tega, kar stran razlaga: z ustrezno dihalno tehniko, zdravim načinom gibanja, utrjevanjem organizma in ustrezno prehrano naj bi telesu omogočili normalno funkcioniranje na zelo nizko kalorični hrani. Pri maratoncih naj bi bil dnevni vnos kalorij 1200 namesto 6000.
Nimam izkušenj s tem in ne morem trditi, da v tem primeru ne gre za potegavščino, zdi se mi pa verjetno, če upoštevam naslednje:
- povprečno človek veliko energije porabi za prebavo
- določena živila, pripravljena na določen način, so lažje prebavljiva, za prebavo se porabi manj energije
- iz določene hrane, zaužite na ustrezen način, se lahko absorbira več hranil iz prebavil v kri
Izvleček iz zgoraj navedene strani:
Citiram: |
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day.
But the control and the main group of runners were fed according to the norms of the energy established by Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR . They consumed 190 grams of protein, the same amount of fat, 1300 grams of carbohydrates, which amounted to 6000 calories a day. Cooking recipes were made according to calorie theory of a balanced diet. Tables laden with food from the delicatessen, meat cuts, sausages, ham, cheese and butter, splints, roast beef or chops with ample side dish, soups, puddings and the like, the most common foods. On the trail they received extra food - oatmeal jelly and crackers. The participants of the experiment were under the vigilant control of the commission, both during the run, and during the meal. Runners of the experimental and control groups o the marathon were weighed regularly. Long columns of numbers filled minutes of the commission. The results exceeded the expectations. Records of the Commission testified that less physically trained athletes of the experimental group were more enduring and did not lose weight as opposed to a control group of athletes that were engaged in the same physical activities and sports indices figures of running, but consuming five times more high-calorie food! Weight of the runners of this group was less stable during the run as well as at its end.
And a remarkable thing. Marathon ended late in the evening and the next morning, all participants of the experimental group were at their usual workplace. |
Pri tem bi moral upoštevati še kaj drugega, da bi se izšlo, ampak bistvo je v tem, da skušam nakazati smer, kako bi bilo kaj takega mogoče. |
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David7 rekreativec
Pridružen/-a: 20.07. 2022, 17:05 Prispevkov: 44
Objavljeno: 07 Mar 2023 22:08 Naslov sporočila: Re: Nizkokalorična |
SarahClark je napisal/a: |
Boris je napisal/a: |
Zanima me, ali se kdo od vas ukvarja z bilokakšno nizkokalorično dieto za športnike, ki bi jo le ta lahko izvajal celo življenje in ob tem normalno (oziroma boljše) funkcioniral.
Povzetek tega, kar stran razlaga: z ustrezno dihalno tehniko, zdravim načinom gibanja, utrjevanjem organizma in ustrezno prehrano naj bi telesu omogočili normalno funkcioniranje na zelo nizko kalorični hrani. Pri maratoncih naj bi bil dnevni vnos kalorij 1200 namesto 6000.
Nimam izkušenj s tem in ne morem trditi, da v tem primeru ne gre za potegavščino, zdi se mi pa verjetno, če upoštevam naslednje:
- povprečno človek veliko energije porabi za prebavo
- določena živila, pripravljena na določen način, so lažje prebavljiva, za prebavo se porabi manj energije
- iz določene hrane, zaužite na ustrezen način, se lahko absorbira več hranil iz prebavil v kri
Izvleček iz zgoraj navedene strani:
Citiram: |
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day.
But the control and the main group of runners were fed according to the
https://kdm-recikliranje.si/norms of the energy established by Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR . They consumed 190 grams of protein, the same amount of fat, 1300 grams of carbohydrates, which amounted to 6000 calories a day. Cooking recipes were made according to calorie theory of a balanced diet. Tables laden with food from the delicatessen, meat cuts, sausages, ham,promocija zdravja na delovnem mestucheese and butter, splints, roast beef or chops with ample side dish, soups, puddings and the like, the most common foods. On the trail they received extra food - oatmeal jelly and crackers. The participants of the experiment were under the vigilant control of the commission, both during the run, and during the meal. Runners of the experimental and control groups o the marathon were weighed regularly. Long columns of numbers filled minutes of the commission. The results exceeded the expectations. Records of the Commission testified that less physically trained athletes of the experimental group were more enduring and did not lose weight as opposed to a control group of athletes that were engaged in the same physical activities and sports indices figures of running, but consuming five times more high-calorie food! Weight of the runners of this group was less stable during the run as well as at its end.
And a remarkable thing. Marathon ended late in the evening and the next morning, all participants of the experimental group were at their usual workplace. |
Pri tem bi moral upoštevati še kaj drugega, da bi se izšlo, ampak bistvo je v tem, da skušam nakazati smer, kako bi bilo kaj takega mogoče. |
Se strinjam z vašo idejo |
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SarahClark šprinter
Pridružen/-a: 24.11. 2021, 19:16 Prispevkov: 100 Kraj: Slovenia
Objavljeno: 22 Apr 2023 20:57 Naslov sporočila: Re: Nizkokalorična |
David7 je napisal/a: |
SarahClark je napisal/a: |
Boris je napisal/a: |
Zanima me, ali se kdo od vas ukvarja z bilokakšno nizkokalorično dieto za športnike, ki bi jo le ta lahko izvajal celo življenje in ob tem normalno (oziroma boljše) funkcioniral.
Povzetek tega, kar stran razlaga: z ustrezno dihalno tehniko, zdravim načinom gibanja, utrjevanjem organizma in ustrezno prehrano naj bi telesu omogočili normalno funkcioniranje na zelo nizko kalorični hrani. Pri maratoncih naj bi bil dnevni vnos kalorij 1200 namesto 6000.
Nimam izkušenj s tem in ne morem trditi, da v tem primeru ne gre za potegavščino, zdi se mi pa verjetno, če upoštevam naslednje:
- povprečno človek veliko energije porabi za prebavo
- določena živila, pripravljena na določen način, so lažje prebavljiva, za prebavo se porabi manj energije
- iz določene hrane, zaužite na ustrezen način, se lahko absorbira več hranil iz prebavil v kri
Izvleček iz zgoraj navedene strani:
Citiram: |
The experimental group was fed with decoctions of herbs, juices, honey, salad vegetables and herbs, fresh porridge on water, bread made from rye flour with grass flour on whig, boiled beans, nuts. On the trail they were offered "candy" from the rolled-up dried fruit and nuts, but athletes did not needed them. The quantity and quality of food quite satisfied athletes. All in all, runners got 28 grams protein, 25 grams fat, 180 grams of carbohydrates, which in total amounted to 1200 calories a day.
But the control and the main group of runners were fed according to the
https://kdm-recikliranje.si/norms of the energy established by Institute of Medical Sciences of the USSR . They consumed 190 grams of protein, the same amount of fat, 1300 grams of carbohydrates, which amounted to 6000 calories a day. Cooking recipes were made according to calorie theory of a balanced diet. Tables laden with food from the delicatessen, meat cuts, sausages, ham,promocija zdravja na delovnem mestucheese and butter, splints, roast beef or chops with ample side dish, soups, puddings and the like, the most common foods. On the trail they received extra food - oatmeal jelly and crackers. The participants of the experiment were under the vigilant control of the commission, both during the run, and during the meal. Runners of the experimental and control groups o the marathon were weighed regularly. Long columns of numbers filled minutes of the commission. The results exceeded the expectations. Records of the Commission testified that less physically trained athletes of the experimental group were more enduring and did not lose weight as opposed to a control group of athletes that were engaged in the same physical activities and sports indices figures of running, but consuming five times more high-calorie food! Weight of the runners of this group was less stable during the run as well as at its end.
And a remarkable thing. Marathon ended late in the difuzor and the next morning, all participants of the experimental group were at their usual workplace. |
Pri tem bi moral upoštevati še kaj drugega, da bi se izšlo, ampak bistvo je v tem, da skušam nakazati smer, kako bi bilo kaj takega mogoče. |
Se strinjam z vašo idejo |
ANE, hvala |
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Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu